A Chemistry Laboratory is a workshop for students. Here students learn the techniques of the identification, estimation and preparation of chemical substances.
In our Chemistry Laboratory to improve learning, all sophisticated instruments have been appropriately installed and all the cautions have been taken into care, such as;
Safety Apparatus- Fire Extinguishers, Water Supply- Sinks with Taps, Power Supply- Fans and LED lights, Four Windows and Two Doors to keep lab lively and well-ventilated, Two Student Working Table- long and spacious solid granite tops, Reagent Shelves- Two for each experimenting student, Gas Supply for each burner, Two Side Shelves- for glass apparatus and solid chemicals separately, Exhaust Fans- to drive out the gases and vapours, Balance Room- for chemical balance and electrical balances to be kept, Fume Cupboard- to keep entire laboratory safe from poisonous gases or vapours release during experiments and many more.
Common Laboratory Apparatus: Beakers- 150ml, 250ml and 500ml, Test Tubes- in a large number for salt-analyzing, Conical Flask- for volumetric titration, Funnel- made of glass and plastic for filtration and pouring solutions, Measuring Flask- 50ml, 100ml and 250ml for quantitative analysis, Glass Rods- for stirring the chemicals, China Dish- for crystallization, Wire Gauze- to prevent breading of glass apparatus while heating substances, Cleaning Brushes- to clean experimenting tools and many more.