Principal’s Message

Mr. Harendra Kumar Yadav

Principal (CRPS Delhi) M.A., B.Ed. , M.Phill

(+91)-9811184860, 91-9868922507

This school is child centered and progressive and hence is an epitome of society. Chhotu Ram Sr. Sec. Public School provides pollution free, serene & eco - friendly education, conductive environment. It imparts quality education in English. Nonetheless equal emphasis is given to Hindi & Sanskrit. The Institute designs a curriculum to promote potential of leadership and emphasize on a sound educational programme to instill within them self control, integrity and honour mellowed by the social grace under the tutelage of experienced faculty. The motto also reflects the purpose of education ‘Take us from darkness to light’. Thus as certain that ignorance gives way to knowledge, truth and beauty.

Mr. Harendra Kumar Yadav Principal This School is child centered and progressive and hence is an epitome of society. Chhotu Ram Sr. Sec. Public School provides pollution free, serene & eco - friendly education, conductive environment. It imparts quality education in English. Nonetheless equal emphasis is given to Hindi & Sanskrit. The motto also reflects the purpose of education ‘Take us from darkness to light’. Thus as certain that ignorance gives way to knowledge, truth and beauty.

Mr. Harendra Kumar Yadav